Loaded and ready to go
Convenor: Barbara Gardiner
In 1994, the Association encouraged all its member clubs to focus on “Nutrition Programmes in Elementary School”. The May Court Club of Chatham presently provides nutritional snacks to twenty-three elementary and secondary schools in Chatham-Kent. It is now referred to as the “Emergency Lunch Box Programme”.
Convenor: Edwinna Rawlings
For years our members assisted with various programmes at Victoria Park School, such as the Breakfast Programme and Reading Programme. May Court also donated funds to purchase books and tapes for the library. When the school closed, these services were transferred to the Queen Elizabeth II School and the “Breakfast Programme” still continues today.

Greg Hetherington
The Women of Excellence convened by Shirley Loyer was held at the Portuguese Club in Chatham on Friday, April 26. Greg Hetherington graciously agreed to MC this event again! This event has proven to be one of our most successful, both in terms of profit and showcasing the outstanding women from Chatham-Kent, who have reached a high level of accomplishment and expertise in their chosen fields, locally, provincially, nationally or internationally.
This event didn't not disappoint this year. Attendance was up (from the last one held post COVID) and everyone enjoyed the video showcasing the WOE and their speeches. It was an enjoyable, positive evening.
The BINGO COMMITTEE, convened by Gail McGregor runs all year long and is a great fundraiser for the club.
The Legion Meat Draw is a new fundraiser for our club. It takes place at Legion Branch 185 in Blenheim. The ladies who take part are having a great time and stand out in their new pink shirts.
Shown accepting a cheque from the Legion are Cecelia Landry, Lynda Homeniuk, Jack, the Legion representative, Noella Houle and Phil Houle. Hiding behind Noella is Bob Homeniuk. Thank you Bob and Phil for helping out!
Major changes occurred within the club in the early 90’s, with a shift away from a more structured organization to one which combined an emphasis on both service and social activities and doing away with mandatory hours. The Honorary Life and Associate Members’ Tea started in 1988 and was changed in 1998 to Members’ Appreciation Tea. As well the year-end party and the Christmas Party are occasions not to be missed.
Many of our May Court members enjoying Spring Tea at the lovely home of Shirley Loyer. The May Court dolls dancing around the May Pole, lovingly restored and displayed at the home of Lynda Homeniuk on the occasion of our year-end party.
In April 2024, Association held the AGM in Windsor. Diane Brecht and Kris Stevens attended as delegates. They were joined at the Annual Meeting dinner by several members of the club which resulted in our club winning the trophy for Best Attendance for the first time ever!!! I am sure the pink shirts had something to do with it.
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