About us

Board of Directors, 2024-2025

Kris Stevens
Past C0President: Shirley Loyer
Past President: Diane Bradley
Vice President:  Vacant
Treasurer: Lynda Homeniuk
Recording Secretary: Diane Brecht


Barbara Gardiner
Gail McGregor
Noella Houle

Corresponding Secretary: Nancy Inwood

Standing Committees

Membership/Placement:  Noella Houle
Social Convenor: Officers
Finance Convenor:  Lynda Homeniuk
Nominating Convenor:  Diane Bradley
By-Laws Convenor:  Diane Brecht
Historian:  Lynda Homeniuk
Public Relations/Newsletter:  Noella Houle
Research Convenor:  Karen Earl
Facebook:  Diane Bradley
Website Convenor:  Kris Stevens

Fundraising Committees

50/50:  Diane Brecht
Bingo:  Gail McGrego

Service Projects

Emergency Lunch Box Programme:  Barbara Gardiner
Queen Elizabeth Breakfast Programme:  Edwinna Rawlings

Charitable # 13190-9459-RR0001



In 1935, the Brightside Club, formed in Chatham in the early 1920’s joined the Affiliated May Court Clubs of Canada, which in 1965 became the Associated May Court Clubs of Canada.  The May Court Club of Chatham recently celebrated its 80th Anniversary. During those 80 years the May Court Club of Chatham has been involved in many worthwhile projects supporting women and children in the community.

  • Chatham May Court Day Nursery opened in 1969
  • “Kids on the Block”, volunteers performed with the help of life-size puppets to assist children to better understand those with emotional and physical problems.
  • Children’s Community Choir started in 1989 allowed children to develop musical skills and talents.
  • Bargain Box, staffed by volunteers operated from 1950 to 1993
  • Fundraising projects over the years include: Fantasy Christmas Tree Raffle, Parade of Ponds, Home Tour, Geranium Flower Sale, Painted House